Interesting News, Links or other Subjects related to Information Technology and Business.
"The State of the Earth" - The Predicted Weather Shift (Mini Ice Age - 2032 !!)
" ... Now I give you something that few think about: What do you think the Internet is all about, historically? Citizens of all the countries on Earth can talk to one another without electronic borders. The young people of those nations can all see each other, talk to each other, and express opinions. No matter what the country does to suppress it, they're doing it anyway. They are putting together a network of consciousness, of oneness, a multicultural consciousness. It's here to stay. It's part of the new energy. The young people know it and are leading the way.... "
" ... I gave you a prophecy more than 10 years ago. I told you there would come a day when everyone could talk to everyone and, therefore, there could be no conspiracy. For conspiracy depends on separation and secrecy - something hiding in the dark that only a few know about. Seen the news lately? What is happening? Could it be that there is a new paradigm happening that seems to go against history?... " Read More …. "The End of History"- Nov 20, 2010 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll)
“…5 - Integrity That May Surprise…
Have you seen innovation and invention in the past decade that required thinking out of the box of an old reality? Indeed, you have. I can't tell you what's coming, because you haven't thought of it yet! But the potentials of it are looming large. Let me give you an example, Let us say that 20 years ago, you predicted that there would be something called the Internet on a device you don't really have yet using technology that you can't imagine. You will have full libraries, buildings filled with books, in your hand - a worldwide encyclopedia of everything knowable, with the ability to look it up instantly! Not only that, but that look-up service isn't going to cost a penny! You can call friends and see them on a video screen, and it won't cost a penny! No matter how long you use this service and to what depth you use it, the service itself will be free.
Now, anyone listening to you back then would perhaps have said, "Even if we can believe the technological part, which we think is impossible, everything costs something. There has to be a charge for it! Otherwise, how would they stay in business?" The answer is this: With new invention comes new paradigms of business. You don't know what you don't know, so don't decide in advance what you think is coming based on an old energy world. ..."
Fake News/Hate Speech
- More Articles .....
- Unilever to stop advertising on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in US
- Facebook suffers legal blow in EU court over hate speech
- Thumbs down: 640,000 Dutch desert Facebook within a year
- Facebook adds new tools to stem online bullying
- Number of US newspaper newsroom employees down sharply: survey
- Fake news: algorithms in the dock
- Google to show who is behind US political ads
- Cambridge Analytica to close after Facebook data scandal
- EU senses Facebook scandal shifts privacy tide in its favour
- Facebook to verify identities for political ads
- Facebook overhaul favours friends over news, adverts
- Google looking to help news outlets win subscribers
- Internet doors slammed on white nationalist extremism
- Silicon Valley's accidental war with the far right
- Bundestag passes law to fine social media companies for not deleting hate speech
- Wikipedia founder tackles fake news with Wikitribune
- German anti-hate speech group counters Facebook trolls
- Germany threatens online giants with 50 mn euro hate speech fines
- Web inventor warns over fake news, online political advertising
- Facebook to start fake news checks in the Netherlands
- French, international media unite against fake news
- Leaders condemn Wilders for manipulated picture of Pechtold
- Hounded over Merkel selfie, Syrian refugee sues Facebook
Kryon Teachings regarding Fake News / Old Energy
Charity / Philanthropy
- More Articles .....
- Bill and Melinda Gates announce divorce after 27 years
- Gates says billionaires should pay 'significantly' more taxes
- Bill Gates is investing $50 million in the Dementia Discovery Fund, a private-public venture that supports innovative research into dementia
- Dutch initiative brings in €181m for family planning campaign
- Zuckerberg fund pledges $3 bn to banish disease
- New dad Zuckerberg vows to give away Facebook fortune
- Apple CEO Tim Cook plans to donate $800m fortune to charity before he dies
- Jack Ma's problem: what to do with all his money
- Bill Gates urges China's wealthiest to give to charity
Friday, December 31, 2010
NASA Signs $2.5B Contract With HP
Thursday, December 30, 2010
China's online population hits 450 million
China Steps Up Crackdown on Internet Phone Services
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Sign outside Skype Technologies SA's offices. Only major, state-owned Chinese telecommunications operators are licensed to provide Internet phone services in China. |
Beacon of Light January 2011 - New Body Electrics (The Group channeled by Steve Rother)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Banks attempt to suppress maths student's exposé of chip and pin
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Omar Choudary, a PhD student at the University of Cambridge;| right, his supervisor, Professor Ross Anderson who researches glitches in chip-and-pin banking |
Security flaw: The £20 device developed my Mr Choudary
could be used to buy goods without entering a PIN code
Vladimir Putin Orders Russian Government to Switch to Free Software by 2015
Saturday, December 25, 2010
A Big Cake Named Indonesia
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wal-Mart invests in Chinese e-commerce firm
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Are You Still Using These Obsolete Things?
- VCR and VHS tapes. They became obsolete in the early 2000s, five years after the DVD was invented.
- Travel agents. With the birth of so many travel sites, fewer people go to travel agents to plan itineraries or book tickets.
- The separation between work life and personal life. Smartphones, ultralight laptops and wi-fi enable people to work outside the office.
- Forgetting. The Web saves digital copies of everything we do.
- Bookstores. More and more people buy books online and the digital version of books or e-books.
- Watches. It is still a symbol of style or status, but for practical purposes the watch has been replaced by cell phones or laptops.
- Maps. GPS devices on smartphones and laptops have replaced actual maps.
- Calling. Instant message services and social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook have taken over verbal communication.
- Classifieds ads in newspapers.
- Dial-up Internet.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Venezuela tightens internet regulation
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sohu signs exclusive China portal partnership with Unilever
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Age no longer much of a digital dividing line, says Pew
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New research from Pew indicates that older people are becoming about as skilled online as younger ones. |
- New research from Pew focuses on generational trends in the digital world
- Research found people 74 and older have the fastest growth in social networking services
- Internet users aged 34 and older are more likely to engage in several common activities
Editor's Note: Amy Gahran writes about mobile tech for She is a San Francisco Bay Area writer and media consultant whose blog,, explores how people communicate in the online age.
Israeli companies outsourcing to Palestinians
Friday, December 17, 2010
PM: WikiLeaks has not broken Australian law
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Aussie launches 'business version of WikiLeaks'
- Aussie retailer launches
- Users post anonymous tips about dodgy firms
- Information on website is unreliable, says critic
AN AUSTRALIAN online electronics retailer has launched what he calls the business world's answer to WikiLeaks.
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The site allows internet users to post documents and tip-offs about dodgy business practices anonymously / File |
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook named Time's person of 2010
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Mr Zuckerberg was the subject of the 2010 film The Social Network |

Breaking News on EFF Victory: Appeals Court Holds that Email Privacy Protected by Fourth Amendment News
"Given the fundamental similarities between email and traditional forms of communication [like postal mail and telephone calls], it would defy common sense to afford emails lesser Fourth Amendment protection.... It follows that email requires strong protection under the Fourth Amendment; otherwise the Fourth Amendment would prove an ineffective guardian of private communication, an essential purpose it has long been recognized to serve.... [T]he police may not storm the post office and intercept a letter, and they are likewise forbidden from using the phone system to make a clandestine recording of a telephone call--unless they get a warrant, that is. It only stands to reason that, if government agents compel an ISP to surrender the contents of a subscriber's emails, those agents have thereby conducted a Fourth Amendment search, which necessitates compliance with the warrant requirement...."