The Internet - The first Worldwide Tool of Unification ("The End of History")

" ... Now I give you something that few think about: What do you think the Internet is all about, historically? Citizens of all the countries on Earth can talk to one another without electronic borders. The young people of those nations can all see each other, talk to each other, and express opinions. No matter what the country does to suppress it, they're doing it anyway. They are putting together a network of consciousness, of oneness, a multicultural consciousness. It's here to stay. It's part of the new energy. The young people know it and are leading the way.... "

" ... I gave you a prophecy more than 10 years ago. I told you there would come a day when everyone could talk to everyone and, therefore, there could be no conspiracy. For conspiracy depends on separation and secrecy - something hiding in the dark that only a few know about. Seen the news lately? What is happening? Could it be that there is a new paradigm happening that seems to go against history?... " Read More …. "The End of History"- Nov 20, 2010 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll)

"Recalibration of Free Choice"– Mar 3, 2012 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll) - (Subjects: (Old) Souls, Midpoint on 21-12-2012, Shift of Human Consciousness, Black & White vs. Color, 1 - Spirituality (Religions) shifting, Loose a Pope “soon”, 2 - Humans will change react to drama, 3 - Civilizations/Population on Earth, 4 - Alternate energy sources (Geothermal, Tidal (Paddle wheels), Wind), 5 – Financials Institutes/concepts will change (Integrity – Ethical) , 6 - News/Media/TV to change, 7 – Big Pharmaceutical company will collapse “soon”, (Keep people sick), (Integrity – Ethical) 8 – Wars will be over on Earth, Global Unity, … etc.) - (Text version)

“…5 - Integrity That May Surprise…

Have you seen innovation and invention in the past decade that required thinking out of the box of an old reality? Indeed, you have. I can't tell you what's coming, because you haven't thought of it yet! But the potentials of it are looming large. Let me give you an example, Let us say that 20 years ago, you predicted that there would be something called the Internet on a device you don't really have yet using technology that you can't imagine. You will have full libraries, buildings filled with books, in your hand - a worldwide encyclopedia of everything knowable, with the ability to look it up instantly! Not only that, but that look-up service isn't going to cost a penny! You can call friends and see them on a video screen, and it won't cost a penny! No matter how long you use this service and to what depth you use it, the service itself will be free.

Now, anyone listening to you back then would perhaps have said, "Even if we can believe the technological part, which we think is impossible, everything costs something. There has to be a charge for it! Otherwise, how would they stay in business?" The answer is this: With new invention comes new paradigms of business. You don't know what you don't know, so don't decide in advance what you think is coming based on an old energy world. ..."
(Subjects: Who/What is Kryon ?, Egypt Uprising, Iran/Persia Uprising, Peace in Middle East without Israel actively involved, Muhammad, "Conceptual" Youth Revolution, "Conceptual" Managed Business, Internet, Social Media, News Media, Google, Bankers, Global Unity,..... etc.)

German anti-hate speech group counters Facebook trolls

German anti-hate speech group counters Facebook trolls
Logo No Hate Speech Movement

Bundestag passes law to fine social media companies for not deleting hate speech

Honouring computing’s 1843 visionary, Lady Ada Lovelace. (Design of doodle by Kevin Laughlin)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tech's time of tumult

We're living through the biggest set of changes yet in technology. It's a mouthful - mobile, ad-supported, on-demand, socially-connected, and truly global. Brace yourself, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick.

By David Kirkpatrick, Fortune senior editor

October 19 2007: 12:45 PM EDT

NEW YORK (Fortune) -- This is a historic moment in the history of technology. All at once, we are shifting to a mobile, ad-supported, on-demand, socially-connected, truly global network.

Each one of those five new attributes brings with it fundamental, world-altering implications. The fact that all five are happening at once makes this a dizzying time, but one of so much opportunity for tech companies it's almost absurd.

A quick look at each of the five concepts:


We knew someday we'd get devices that enabled us to take the richness of the PC desktop with us wherever we went, and the iPhone is a good start, along with other new phones from Nokia and others. Meanwhile, Intel continues its strong push for the Ultra-Mobile PC which will bear fruit faster than most people think.

Mobility is not just one of the forces, but the major force, driving tech forward in most of the world's economies. There are now more mobile phones in use in the world than PCs and TVs combined. And their number continues to burgeon. Sending short messages (SMS) from phones is becoming more important in much of the world than email.


Advertising is becoming the way that consumer software is monetized. Google, the world's most adept software company, now garners over 30% of the world's online advertising spending. That has caused every other software firm to wake up. Just listen to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who has several times recently said Microsoft will become a company driven by advertising. (Watch him on this short YouTube video from last year.)

On demand

As for on-demand, that's Google, too. And just about every other Internet company. On demand means forget about applications on your desktop. What you need will be on the web and mostly accessed through just a browser. We've all become used to that model for our personal information and even web email and messaging, but now it's moving into businesses of all sizes.

The recent moves by old-line enterprise firms SAP and Oracle to buy other vintage software companies are just the last gasps of the old regime. The remaining players are consolidating, and the agglomeration is about capturing maintenance revenue from longstanding customers who can't move quickly to the new. But the future is software delivered as an on-demand service over the net by suppliers like (Charts), who sell on a per-user, per-month basis.

Social networking

This week was the Web 2.0 conference, which spent much time discussing the social connections that are coming to define the Internet. Tim O'Reilly, who helps run the conference, is the one who coined the term. He says it means any service which gets better the more people who use it.

That's a great simple explanation for the success of Facebook - the ultimate social software. Long-winded tech pundits endlessly bloviate over its supposed weaknesses but the fact is that Facebook is defining a new Internet in which identity is celebrated, not masked. (See my many recent columns on the subject here.) That may be the killer app of the ad-supported future, because the most enjoyable and most effective ads will be the ones delivered with the greatest understanding of who sees them.

Global networks

The opportunities presented by the billions of people entering the world of digital communications are vast. Comscore's first-ever comprehensive study of the search industry, released last week, showed that China's Baidu is the world's third largest search site, behind just Google and Yahoo (Charts, Fortune 500), and ahead of Microsoft, Ask, and everybody else.

I recently called the adoption of tech by the developing world tech's biggest trend. Cisco CEO John Chambers says some countries including, amazingly, Saudi Arabia, could be poised to surpass our own digital infrastructure. We're moving to a world of ad-supported social web services delivered on cellphones to people in places like India and Azerbaijan. That's where the profits will come from in the next decade.

The New York Times may ask earnestly if we're in a bubble, as they did this week. But the reason big companies (and this time it's not greedy individuals) are bidding up other tech companies is because, like me, they see the opportunities as huge right now.

Keep it all in mind at once - the mobile, ad-supported, on-demand, socially-connected, and truly global aspects of the changes we're living through. It's a mouthful that is truly changing the world.

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