This live
channelling was given in Buffalo, New York
Lee Carroll
To help the
reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added or condensed. Often
what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of
communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given
in Buffalo.
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I want you to put a bubble around
this place, blocking out all other sounds and concepts. There is an energy here
for you, and for some of you this day of teaching is an energy of "a-ha!"
It's an energy that isn't new, for it's remembering.
Dear ones,
for many of you there will be many of these rememberings, and this is what you
expected at this time. You are going to start remembering the things of ancient
days that made sense. These are the things you learned and experienced as
shamanic beings in your past. The ancients were you, old soul, and there's a
lot to remember.
remember the various prophecies that even you, as ancients, participated in -
knowing at some level you'd actually be in that future some day - and now here
you are. All of these things began to make sense within the feelings that you
are now starting to have. This particular channel is one that asks a question,
"How are you going to perform life now, going from the dark to the
light?" When you, as an old soul, have literally been on the planet for
thousands of years, from the very creation story, you are literally imbued with
the knowledge of light and dark. You've been alive at some level, civilization after
civilization. You've even been here in civilizations that history books don't
know about yet.
That's how
old you are. Yet each time you were on this planet, you returned into a low
consciousness. On a scale of one to 10, meaning one is starting consciousness
and 10 is the wisest consciousness, Human civilization is still only at about
three-and-a-half. That is as far as it has developed within any civilization on
this planet. Be aware that some started with more, but de-volved into what you
have now. You have lived thousands of years within an older energy, and here
you are with a changing energy where light is starting to show itself and where
darkness is starting to flail in its dysfunction.
consciousness (darkness) is losing because the very attributes of what used to
feed it are no longer viable. The systems that featured the lack of integrity
and greed are going to start to crumble. Different parts of the planet will be
affected first, and others will follow. However, they will crumble because light
is winning. How are you doing personally? How will it be, walking into the
light from thousands of years of darkness? What habits are you going to carry
into this new era that will keep you in the dark?
I wish to
share with you just a few attributes in these few moments. These will be what
you call food for thought, old soul. You are the hope of the planet, the light
of the planet, old soul. You are the experienced ones of the planet, yet so
many of you are still working the puzzle in the dark. How are you going to do
it? I'm going to make a list of attributes, as I often do, and it's not a long
one. The list will represent steps and insights into the process of moving from
the dark to the light.
Like so
many other lists we have given you, number one goes like this: Do you believe
it? Do you really believe it? We've given channels about health and your
ability to mine the Akash. We've spoken about you, talking to your cells and
working with your innate. In all of these, number one is always: Do you believe
it? The reason that this step is primary and the most important is that unless
your consciousness takes it in as truth, the rest of your body hasn't got a
chance. You are the boss of your cells and your consciousness talks to that
which is your innate, and you have to be on board with all of it. You have to
make it your own. Do you believe it? Do you really believe a shift is taking
As you look
around the planet and see all that is happening in business and government, you
may see something odd. Although these things all happened regularly in an old
energy, they are floundering in this new energy, or at least appearing to be
inappropriate. You have never seen this energy, which has never been tested in
your lifetimes. No Human has ever seen these coming attributes yet. If you take
salt-water fish and put them into fresh water, they will die unless there is a
mechanism for them to refine their metabolism. They are aquatic, but not with
that type of water. You're moving from dark to light, and although you have
lived many lives, the paradigms are different. You will have to adjust. So
number one is that you have to believe it.
Is this really
happening on the planet, or is it something you heard at a seminar during a
channel? Is it wishful thinking - something that you are not really on board
with - or are you a part of it? If you are, then you have to say, "I see
it! Wow, it's really happening! I am in the right place at the right time and I
am part of the shift. It's one of the grandest things that has happened on the
planet. I am alive at the right time, and I came for this."
Some of you
may be super analytical and say, "I couldn't have come for this new
darkness/light shift because I'm too old. This or that is wrong with me, so I
can't proceed with something so different with so much change." Dear one,
the creation of light is something you do best no matter who you are, how old you
are or what's happening in your body. The creation of compassion and light is
consciousness working in its most elegant way, and all of you can do this.
There are
so many who have said, "I'm not coming back. I've done my job!" Yes,
you are! I'll say it again and again. You wouldn't miss the party! Dear ones,
you're not going to make the same mistakes you did this time. You will come in
with freshness and an Akashic remembrance that will create wisdom that is new.
That's what is going to happen later, but for now we need you, old soul. You
are here now to literally win this war of light and dark while you're still
alive, and that is why we offer you information for extended life when you
start to understand how you can heal your body, talk to your cells, and create
that which medicine has said is impossible.
Some are
sitting here right now and you've already done it. I know who's here, and I
know who sits in front of me. Miracles abound with you and synchronicities are
here in the audience. I know what has happened in your life. Spirit knows. You
are so ripe for this information! Once you have decided that it's real, and
decide to own it for yourself, then you can begin the journey into the light.
Next you have to ask: If it's real, what am I going to do to cooperate with it?
What changes within me because I have cognized or owned the fact that there is
a dark/light shift happening? This is the fulfillment of the prophecy of the
ages, and you are in a time that is unusual and ripe with change. What is your
next step? What are you going to do?
Consciousness Habits
Human, you
contain old habits and this is nothing to be ashamed of or be guilty about.
Habits are habits, and you've done what you've done to survive all your life,
and now the fabric of what you are used to has started to shift. So what if you
were to analyze your reaction to things? Are you a complainer? You may not even
realize you are because it's so easy to chime in with other complainers without
thinking about it. Did you know this is a habit? It's a cultural habit. You may
not actually believe the things that you say, but it's a habit.
Do you have
a positive approach to the future? You may say you do, but when others around
you say, "We're all doomed and it will never get better. It's all going
downhill!" Do you say nothing and nod your head yes? That's easy to do.
Perhaps you
are more proactive. Perhaps, without being contrary or anti-social, you instead
think about the negative statements and say, "Well, I'm not really sure.
I've heard some good things. I'm a little more positive than that."
Perhaps you have learned to be more positive without stating something that
would make your friends uncomfortable or wrong? Have you figured out the
diplomacy of common sense and balance? Perhaps you have figured out how to go
against the grain of the negative habits of those around you, yet not be seen
as somebody who is out of touch, but rather one who is forward thinking and
positive? There's a difference.
With what
you now know about the shift, can you start looking at things differently? What
thing is possible now, when before you thought it wasn't? In your own life,
will you start taking stock of perhaps of what might be instead of that which
you've already decided can't be? I'm talking to some here who have defined the
planet and themselves, and feel that nothing will change it. That's just not
true, dear ones. I gave a channel recently about the delusions of the darkness
and the great untruths and one untruth is this: Nothing will ever change; Human
nature will always be the same, and history proves it. Can you get out of the
box of the past and start looking forward to something you don't expect?
somebody says to you, "Look, these are the facts. Cleaning this up just
can't happen! Look, these are the facts! This is what happened in the past over
and over, and it will continue to happen." Can you then say, "I don't
know how it's going to happen, but I feel confident that we are not the same as
in the past, and the future is not what we've been told. You see, we don't know
everything. You don't know what you don't know and, therefore, there is hope -
not just hope, there's promise"? Are you one who believes in the shift?
How, then, do you change old habits to show it? That was number two.
the Drama and Unseen Truth
three: There are some very old energies in your society and in your culture
that have always been the same and represent past Human nature, and you have to
decide what to do with them. You may not be able to change them, but you have a
choice on what to do with them.
If you
believe in the shift and you are starting to think more positive, then let me
tell you something that will help. There is light on this planet that is not
being reported. There is the beginning of high consciousness ideas and new
thought about the future of humanity in very powerful places. These are seeds
of new thought that are beginning to grow, and some of them make so much sense
and are elegant, yet you'll never know about them. The reason? Your media is
filled with the old dark consciousness of drama above all else and many of you
willingly create a platform to sustain it.
Some of you
will come home from work and feel it's a nice idea to turn on the media and
watch all of the horrible things that happened on the planet that day. Perhaps
you don't want the news, so you go for entertainment instead. So you turn on a
program where you can watch families in drama, arguing and complaining. What
I'm telling you, dear ones, is that your media is broken, and you watch it
Right now,
it continues in the old energy and the management in charge thinks it knows
best what you and your neighbors want. So it's going to deliver darkness on a
regular basis, and if there's nothing dark, it will create it for you. That is
what you're faced with. Here is my advice. Select the media carefully that you
believe is true and accurate. Wouldn't you rather have fun things to watch?
Perhaps you'd like to watch cute pets or animals doing fun things? How about
children doing amazing and hilarious things, or great stories of heroism with
uplifting endings? How about amazing nature or comedy that is hilarious? Right
now with new devices, you can see all of that as much as you want, without
commercials. This is the newest trend and evolution of your media selection -
personal control over programs in your home, without commercial interruption.
Did you see this happening and wonder why now?
So the
solution to drama-biased media is simple: Don't watch or listen to standard
broadcast! Instead, find out about the alternates and be selective. Select news
that is less biased in bringing you full-time drama. Of course, you need to
stay in touch with what is happening, but you don't have to accept a program
that is dedicated to enhancing and promoting the drama of the day and making it
worse - or that gives no news at all about the good things going on.
I say this
because broadcast not only is broken, it's dangerous, since it gives false
impressions of the overview of the planet. They are stuck in the old energy and
haven't caught up yet with the overview of what might really be happening on
the planet. Not yet. Even the channels that will give you supposedly good
education and history are biased in ways that you would not even expect. They
continue to believe in slanting even historic or documentary stories to be
horrific and dark. They believe that is what people really want.
What would
happen if these companies started programming things people really wanted to
watch? What would happen is exactly what they want, and their revenues would go
up! I hope they're listening. There will come some day, dear ones, where
there'll be more than one good news channel and you can tune in to hear the
most heroic and heart-rendering things that have happened on that day on the
planet. It will be balanced, perhaps with some other things that also happened.
But it will be a balance that you have not seen yet anywhere.
Let me give
you another: Dear ones, some of you have friends, family and colleagues at work
who are difficult to be around. Each time you show up, there is drama. It hurts
your heart. Sometimes it makes you afraid to be there, and it always makes you
tired. It's not anything you can change. It's the nature of darkness.
I want to
tell you something I've never said before. There are two kinds of situations
here and two kinds of answers to these kinds of issues. One is consistent
drama. If this is something that is happening where you now live, it would
serve you, old soul, to find an avenue out of the drama, whatever that means to
you. Disengage from the drama and when you do you're going to find that you're
going to live longer, light is going to come in, and you're going to laugh
listen to me. Old soul, listen to me. Get out of the drama. Don't let any
situation go to a dramatic place over and over and over while you sit there and
let it. If you cannot control it, if you cannot be part of changing it, then
remove yourself. Why would you sit around poison? Why would you continue to
ingest things that are going to kill you? Then why stay with drama?
Two is
temporary drama. The hardest one? Drama often spins and spins in families and
it's the reason that so many of you in this room and listening have disengaged
from the core family. You have become the black sheep. Actually, you are the
white sheep and what is black is the drama that the family spins within! That
is why holidays are so difficult for you. It's a time where there is an
obligation to visit and, in the process, you must pop back into the family
drama for a day or two and it's very uncomfortable, often confrontational, and difficult.
When you
go, don't let them push your anger or frustration buttons. Stay balanced and be
ready for potential family drama. If they try to get you to be involved in
their drama process, just stay balanced and show them what you have learned -
how to be positive and not be affected by their process.
This is
difficult, but if you can do it, they notice. They notice that they can't upset
you or frustrate you or bully you with something that is very old, karmically
not tuned to you any longer or inappropriate. No matter how much they try, you
laugh it off and clearly are not "taking the bait". You have no idea
how empowering this is for you and how much light it creates in dark places.
You just won't "play" drama with them. This is what mastery is really
Role of the
Inner Child
I want you
to invite the inner child back into your life. Can you remember, dear ones, a
time where you had nothing to worry about? Can you remember when the biggest
issue in your life was how long you could play and when you had to come back in
the house? That wonderful feeling of release from life's issues is still
inside. It's not an invitation to be irresponsible, but rather it's an
invitation to find the joy of the child and to paste it back upon your current
life when you need to.
creates a more relaxed Human and a kindness and balance that only the
remembrance of the innocence of a child can create. This is a critical step to
staying balanced and not letting the adult world dictate your depression or
your clinical feelings toward life.
actually may be the hardest of the steps because of what is around you and the
situations you encounter and the increasing battle of light and dark. Within
all of this, I'm asking you to find joy. In order to do that, you bring back
remembrances of the most joyful things that have ever happened to you. This
often has to do with your childhood. You create the feelings of the day before
Christmas, or your birthday or the day before some event that you've been
looking forward to for so long. The excitement that you have for these things
makes you want to jump up and down and smile. Life is good.
things are all still part of the inner child within you. Dear ones, the evolved
Human Being is the one who has the opportunity to have this as part of every
day life until the last breath. It doesn't just belong to children. It belongs
to an evolved Human Being. That's what makes the difference between the old and
the new.
will play its part here naturally. It becomes automatic and self-evident. Love
will play its part naturally. Common sense will, too. Balance prevails with
common sense. You don't have to try to love; you don't have to try to be
compassionate; it's just who you are.
Can you
cognize this? Is it really happening? Is the shift happening? The wind is
finally at your back. We've said that before. This is the new energy. Welcome
to the new earth!
Go from
this place changed. There will be some who listen to this and say that Kryon is
crazy. "There is no improvement or light coming." It's not what they
see on the news. Exactly! So why watch it? There are things on this planet that
are beautiful and are happening now that are not being seen. I want you to
cognize that and know it, believe it, and understand it. Light is
And so it is.