Want China Times, Staff Reporter 2013-08-08
A NSA training presentation slide appears to reveal an XKeyscore server in Chongqing. (Internet photo) |
Top secret
documents provided by US whistleblower Edward Snowden said to reveal the
existence of a US server for spying activities in Chongqing could be used as
evidence to bury the city's disgraced former Communist Party chief Bo Xilai,
according to a Chinese blogger on Duowei News, an outlet operated by overseas
30-year-old Snowden remains in an undisclosed location in Russia after
receiving temporary asylum. The former NSA contractor has been on the run from
US authorities since handing over documents detailing the US government's mass
surveillance programs to the Guardian and the Washington Post in May, fleeing
first from Hawaii to Hong Kong and then on to Moscow.
provided by Snowden have unveiled XKeyscore, a confidential NSA program that
allows analysts to search with no prior authorization through vast databases
containing emails, online chats and the browsing histories of millions of
according to the NSA, is its "widest reaching" system developing
intelligence from computer networks. Training materials show how users of the
program use it to mine agency databases by filling in simple on-screen forms,
while presentation slides boast that it covers "nearly everything a
typical user does on the internet", including the content of emails, websites
visited and searches.
documents claim that 300 terrorists had been captured using intelligence from
XKeyscore by 2008.
Among the
leaked documents is a 2008 training presentation on XKeyscore, which reveals
that the program is used in approximately 150 sites via over 700 servers around
the world. A slide entitled "Where is XKeyscore?" roughly pinpoints
where the XKeyscore servers are on a world map, and the only server in China
appears to be in the southwestern part of the country, roughly where Chongqing
is situated.
to the Duowei blogger known as Le Jia, if the allegations of an XKeyscore
server in Chongqing are true, then it could be a "huge present" from
Snowden to Chinese president and Communist Party chief Xi Jinping by providing
"proof" that Bo was a traitor to his country. Since rising to power
in November last year, Xi has vowed to tackle corruption within the party
regardless of whether officials are lowly "flies" or high-ranked
"tigers," and it would appear that evidence of treason is what Xi
needs to take down a tiger of Bo's background and popularity, the blogger said.
64-year-old Bo, once tipped to rise to China's highest echelons of power, has
been in custody for more than a year since being brought down by unspecified
"serious disciplinary violations" in March last year. He was recently
charged with taking bribes, embezzlement and abuse of power, and is set to
stand trial shortly in Jinan, the capital of east China's Shandong province.
Bo's wife, Gu Kailai, was handed a suspended death sentence — typically
commuted to life imprisonment after two years — last August for the murder of
British businessman Neil Heywood.
In a
statement to the Guardian, the NSA defended the XKeyscore program claiming that
it is only used against "legitimate foreign intelligence targets in
response to requirements that our leaders need for information necessary to
protect our nation and its interests."
is used as a part of NSA's lawful foreign signals intelligence collection
system," the statement said, adding that "[e]very search by an NSA
analyst is fully auditable to ensure that they are proper and within the
Bo Xilai 薄熙來
Le Jia 樂嘉
Xi Jinping 習近平
Gu Kailai 谷開來
Related Articles:
Obama defends surveillance programs
XKeyscore allows U.S. intelligence to monitor ‘nearly everything’ users do online
Archangel Michael: Expect Miracles - Part 3 The Reval, NESARA, President Obama and Containment (An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael)
“… SB: Okay. Thank you for that.
Now, we have about four minutes before we run out of time, and this is a bit of a complex topic. But Matthew Ward told us in I think his June message that Obama is working with the galactics; that there are galactics in the National Security Agency; that the National Security Agency was gathering evidence on the Illuminati, and that explains why Obama was supporting the… well, if not supporting, then not doing something about the spying of the NSA. It’s really directed at the Illuminati.
Can you talk a little bit more generally about Obama’s working with the galactics? And if you can — I mean, you may not be able to, but if you can — on the galactics in the other agencies and what they’re doing to bring forward a cleansing of those agencies, please?
AAM: Let me say that your star brothers and sisters, the galactics and the inter-galactics are everywhere. And yes, they are certainly very deep within the administration not only of the United States but might we say most powerful nations, and those that you would not even deign as powerful.
So yes, of course Obama is working with the galactics, and he has been for some time. And that partnership has been important. Now, there have been some very rough patches, and we would be remiss if we did not mention them. But it is not yet time to discuss the fullness of those rough patches. They will come to light.
The purpose of what you think of as spying has been, yes, targeted to Illuminati or those who are not acting in the best interests of the collective, whether it is the United States, Israel, Botswana, Switzerland, Germany, Russia — it does not matter.
There are more of your star beings, your brothers and sisters on the ground than you can fathom. And one of the reasons why this approach… not only has the approach been taken to assist in this shift, it has also been taken to anchor that energy fully and completely on Gaia.
So, the vision of a fleet of starships arising, or coming across the horizon and causing fear has been circumvented. Look to the person standing next to you and look in their eyes. There is a very good chance that you are looking at one of your star brothers or sisters.
SB: Wonderful. Thank you very much, Lord. …”
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