Policy Network rejects climate change, opposes workers' rights – and is backed
by some top US tech and telecoms firms
Microsoft, Facebook and Time Warner each sponsored SPN’s most recent annual meeting in Oklahoma City. Photograph: Dado Ruvic/Reuters |
Some of
America’s largest technology and telecoms companies, including Facebook,
Microsoft and AT&T, are backing a network of self-styled “free-market
thinktanks” promoting a radical rightwing agenda in states across the nation,
according to a new report by a lobbying watchdog.
The Center for Media and Democracy asserts that the State Policy Network (SPN), an
umbrella group of 64 thinktanks based in each of the 50 states, is acting as a
largely beneath-the-radar lobbying machine for major corporations and rightwing
policies include cutting taxes, opposing climate change regulations, advocating
reductions in labour protections and the minimum wage, privatising education,
restricting voter rights and lobbying for the tobacco industry.
network’s $83.2m annual warchest comes from major donors. These include the
Koch brothers, the energy tycoons who are a mainstay of Tea Party groups and
climate change sceptics; the tobacco company Philip Morris and its parent
company Altria Group; the food giant Kraft; and the multinational drugs company
surprisingly, backers also include Facebook and Microsoft, as well as the
telecoms giants AT&T, Time Warner Cable and Verizon.
study uncovered a public document that listed SPN’s funders in 2010. They
included: AT&T and Microsoft, which each donated up to $99,000; and Time
Warner Cable and Verizon, which each contributed up to $24,000. In addition,
Facebook, Microsoft and Time Warner each sponsored SPN’s most recent annual
meeting in Oklahoma City in September.
Graves, the director of the Center for Media and Democracy, said it was
“disappointing” that Facebook and the other technology and telecoms companies
had “put their hat in the ring, given SPN’s extreme agenda that includes
climate change denial, making it harder for Americans to vote, and attacking
workers’ rights.” She called on the firms to “reconsider their support, as it
is at odds with science and common sense.”
Sharp, the president of SPN, rebutted the charge that it operates as a
rightwing lobbying network. In a statement, she said that the network was
dedicated to providing “state-based, free-market thinktanks with the academic
and management resources required to run a non-profit institution”. Each of its
64 member thinktanks were “fiercely independent, choosing to manage their
staff, pick their own research topics and educate the public on those issues
they deem most appropriate for their state.”
But she
added that “every thinktank, however, rallies around a common belief: the power
of free markets and free people to create a healthy, prosperous society.”
The State
Policy Network operates a tech/telecom policy exchange in which it campaigns
against taxes on internet shopping and against the regulatory activities of the
Federal Communications Commission. Though much of that thinking could not
reasonably be characterised as what the CMD report calls an “extreme rightwing
agenda”, the tech and telecoms companies' inclusion on the list of funders puts
them alongside some strange bedfellows.
Guardian invited the technology and telecoms companies to respond to the
allegation that they have sponsored a network devoted to “extreme” rightwing
causes, but most either declined to comment or had not responded by the time of
In a
statement, a spokesperson for Microsoft said: “As a large company, Microsoft
has great interest in the many policy issues discussed across the country. We
have a longstanding record of engaging with a broad assortment of groups on a
bipartisan basis, both at the national and local level. In regard to State
Policy Network, Microsoft has focused our participation on their technology
policy work group because it is valuable forum to hear various perspectives
about technology challenges and to share potential solutions.”
SPN works
in parallel with the American Legislative Exchange Council, Alec, a forum that
brings together largely Republican legislators and corporations to devise model
bills that are used to attack workers’ rights in various US states.
The Koch
brothers have donated directly to the network either personally or through
corporate funds from Koch Industries and from family foundations. Two
closely-related funds, the Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund, described by Mother Jones as the “dark money ATM of the conservative movement”, give at
least $1.5m a year – channeling money to the network from individual donors
whose identity the funds obscure.
prominent rightwing billionaire donors are also involved, including Art Pope,
an ally of the Koch brothers; the Walton family of Walmart, which funds SPN
members in Arkansas, California, Massachusetts and Washington state; the
foundation of billionaire Republican donor Richard Mellon Scaife; and the
Searle Freedom Trust, created out of the fortune of the creator of NutraSweet,
which funds a number of conservative causes.
Graves said
that the individual thinktanks who make up SPN present themselves as “neutral,
non-partisan groups, but are in fact part of a national network to project the
voices and interests of some of the most powerful corporations and families in
the country”.
Lafer, a professor at the University of Oregon, said that SPN groups were
actively targeting the rights of often non-unionised employees. His research
had uncovered attempts to expand the use of child labour, cut the minimum wage,
reduce unemployment benefit, make it harder to sue employers for sex or race
discrimination, or even to police wage theft where companies refused to pay
workers over-time or any wages at all.
“These are
a very dramatic package of proposals at a time of economic hardship, and they
are being rolled out in a cookie-cutter fashion from state to state, and
affecting the lives of working people across the country.”
added: “This looks like scholarship from local organisations, but in fact it is
neither – neither scholarship, nor local.”
David Koch, chairman of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, funds some of the largest dark money networks. (AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack, File) | AP
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