Yahoo – AFP,
14 May 2014
Lexus RX 450H Self Driving Car is seen parked on Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC, on April 23, 2014 (AFP Photo/Mark Wilson)
View (United States) (AFP) - A white Lexus cruised along a road near the Google
campus, braking for pedestrians and scooting over in its lane to give
bicyclists ample space.
The car
eased into a turn lane, waited for a green light and a break in traffic, then
continued on its way in the Silicon Valley city of Mountain View.
It even
avoided stopping on train tracks.
But there
was nobody holding the wheel. What looked like the work of a conscientious
driver was a Google car making all the moves -- with an AFP reporter in the
back seat.
Google used
machine learning to teach cars how people drive and, from there, to anticipate
what motorists in surrounding traffic are likely to do.
Computer-fast reflexes
have really good reaction times. They don't get distracted, drowsy, fall
asleep, and they don't drive drunk," Google self-driving car software team
lead Dmitri Dolgov told reporters getting an intimate look at prototypes at the
Computer History Museum.
Lexus RX 450H Self Driving Car,
seen parked on Pennsylvania Ave. in
DC, on April 23, 2014
(AFP Photo/Mark Wilson)
don't need to stop messing with the radio to see what is happening, or even
take time to move a foot from the gas pedal to the brake."
bustling street crowd paid little heed to the self-driving car, which sported a
whirling gadget on top about the size and shape of a large coffee can.
roof-top device used radar and lasers to track everything around it.
A camera
peeking out from the Lexus front grill watched what was ahead.
Data is
processed by onboard computers programmed to simulate what a careful driver
would do, but at super-human speeds. And, naturally, the Google autonomous car
was connected to the Internet.
"Googler" from the technology titan's test driving team had a laptop
computer that showed what the car "saw" -- everything from cyclists
and traffic signals to orange cones and painted lines in the street.
Googler was in the driver's seat, ready to take over in the unlikely chance a
human was needed to make a driving decision.
A red
button could be hit to grab control from the computer. A tap of the brake would
do the same.
driving a drag
of the self-driving car began five years ago, part of a special project headed
by Google co-founder Sergey Brin.
you are in a car commercial, that is driving we enjoy," said project
director Chris Urmson.
you are commuting to work, that is not fun."
While most
people have cars that boast seating for four or more people and that can
achieve racing speeds, statistics show that much road time is clocked by solo
drivers going closer to 30 miles (48 kilometers) per hour.
Google cars
navigate using detailed digital maps showing what streets are supposed to look
like, then concentrate processing power on assessing real-world variables such
as traffic.
The cars
can't drive places where Google hasn't mapped roadways down to implied speed
limits, elevations of traffic signals, and curb heights, according to mapping
team lead Andrew Chatham.
Lexus RX 450H Self Driving Car, seen parked on Pennsylvania
Ave. in Washington,
DC, on April 23, 2014 (AFP Photo/Mark Wilson)
tells the car what the world looks like empty, then the job of the software is
to figure out what is going on," Chatham said.
Have no
Google cars have driven more than 100,000 miles on public roads, always with
someone ready to take the wheel.
There have
been two accidents while cars were on auto-pilot. Both times, vehicles were
rear-ended while stopped at traffic signals, according to Urmson.
"We are
at the point where we are really convinced we have cracked this and can make it
work," Urmson said of self-driving cars being trusted on roads.
sidestepped predicting when Google self-driving cars might hit the market, but
said he is determined to make it happen by the time his six-year-old son
reaches driving age.
Brin has
publicly stated the even more ambitious goal of having the cars ready less than
four years from now.
A panel of
urban development and transportation specialists that took part in the event
billed the self-driving car as a quantum leap in safety that could prevent many
of the approximately 33,000 roadway deaths in the US each year.
Instead of
owning cars, people could summon them when needed and be chauffeured places
while they text, chat on phones, put on make-up or do other distracting tasks
some motorists attempt while driving.
is not a science project, this is reality," said former General Motors
vice president Larry Burns.
"It is
something you need to embrace; there is nothing to fear."
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