This live
channelling was given in Salt Lake City, Utah
Lee Carroll |
To help the
reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added. Often what happens
live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that
the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Salt Lake
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It sometimes takes a moment or two
for you to move into an area of consciousness that would allow for something
like this [the channelling]. So many times, we have asked, "Is the man in
the chair channelling or just giving his own opinion out of channel? Is the
process that is claimed to be here actually here? Is there a door that is
opened to Spirit at this moment or not?"
The answer
is unique to each of you, and it is about your individual perception. We've
talked about the many Human filters*, and we've even revealed some Akashic
filters.** These are some of the things that would keep you from recognizing
Spirit, or the things that would keep you from recognizing basic truth, simply
because of what you've learned in the past. Is this real or not?
is this way. It has helped you many times, but not always. For instance, again:
Is this channelling real? You must discern and validate the process of
channelling before you ever can believe this message. You have free choice,
dear Human, to discern if this is accurate and true or not. It's going to be
important that you do this here, within this particular message, for I am going
to give you some science and also some revelations of poor thinking. All of
this is a benevolent push for you to recognize some things that are coming, and
perhaps change the way that you think.
The Biggest
Filter that Hinders Truth is Your Biased Knowledge
The biggest
filter of humanity, the one that keeps Humans from actual truth, believe it or
not, is called knowledge. We speak of that which humanity perceives currently
as knowledge. That which you do not know is, therefore, future knowledge. Now,
every single scientist understands the difference - every single one - for they
know what is coming is going to teach them what they don't know yet. This is
part of the scientific process. Even so, they take what they know, or think
they know, and completely let it temper the experiments for what they don't
know. They base the future on what they know or believe, even though they know
A medical
doctor will look in the past and he'll remember being taught about a time when
humans would report to the barbershop for healing. That's when they would
actually bleed people for healing. By the way, that's the reason for the barber
pole having the red stripe on it - it's the tradition of barbers doing the
bleeding. So back then, you went to get healed in the barbershop by being bled!
This, of course, led to many deaths because there was no understanding of
germs, sterilization or today's common sense. Doctors know this, and they laugh
at how far you all have come from this. So doctors absolutely know that what is
coming will someday be actually laughable, yet they are also absolutely and
completely closed to what it might be. They just think it will be an
advancement of what they currently know.
This bias
is the same for almost all industry, too. A computer scientist loves the
advancements - all happening so fast! In his case, he expects things from what
he has seen only in the past few years. Therefore, he will predict what is
going to happen using a model of what has happened so far, such as better
electronics for increasing speeds in processing, size and memory capacity. Let
me give you a hint of where it's going, which he has no model for in his short
history. Fifty years from now, there will still be computers, but they will be
completely and totally different. Instead of changing electronic chips, you
will change life chips. There will be parts of computing that must have life to
work. Bio-computing is the wave of the future. By the way, this gives a whole
new meaning to your computer catching a virus. [Laughter] It's coming; it has
There will
be a combination of circuitry and live, reproducing biology that is grown on a
chip. This will enhance computing power and memory and what you think of as a
"computer" will be very different. What you ask a computer to do
today will be laughed at compared to what you ask for it to do in 50 years. You
may actually name a computer in the future, as you now do a pet! You will have
to "feed" it! But the computer will still exist. You don't know what
you don't know so, therefore, it's Human nature to take what you do know and
extrapolate what to expect.
I'm going
to speak of five areas. In the process, I'll reveal some new information and
potentials, even about that which is metaphysical knowledge.
Physics -
Sticking To The Known
are among the kinds of scientists who expect change through discovery, and who
absolutely know that they are unaware of how everything works. It comes with
the territory of being a physicist. Yet the mistakes they make in their bias
are the same as the computer scientist. They take their truth from known
absolute physics in 3D and then apply this truth to everything they don't know.
I point to
the revelation and the discoveries of astronomer Vera Rubin. When she found out
that stars that orbit the middle of your galaxy don't behave within the
gravitational laws of Newton or the laws of planetary motion from Kepler, it
was a major discovery. Your solar system moves around the sun in highly
definable 3D laws of motion. The objects that are further away from the sun go
slower. The ones closer to the sun go faster. However, her discovery showed
that stars orbiting the galaxy had this reversed! The stars that are further
away from the middle go faster. What she discovered was that all of the stars
go the same speed in relationship to the middle, like they were pasted on a
plate, all revolving together around the center. They do not follow the rules
of the physics that you know.
So, what
did the physicists and astronomers do with this major new information? Instead
of seeing a brand new paradigm, they instead used Newton's laws and computed
what would have to be "out there" to make this happen. Dark matter!
It had to be mysterious, invisible matter that was creating this very strange
and enormous new Newtonian attribute. Instead of looking at this and saying,
"There is a new law of physics happening here that we don't yet know
about," they kept it within the Newton box and renamed it, "Altered
Newtonian Physics". That's funny! That's like a situation when you
discovered the earth was round and called it the "Altered Flat-Earth
name is still attached, but his 3D laws have nothing to do with anything Ruben
discovered. Dark matter does not exist! It's a made-up energy to satisfy an old
law that doesn't apply! Instead, there is a new law of physics that you haven't
seen yet. It's a multidimensional law having to do with modified entanglement.
Modified entangled objects are created because of what is in the middle of the
galaxy. The immense push-pull twin energy at the middle of each galaxy is not
simplistic like your sun is to your own solar system. It does not have Kepler
rules, since it's not mass that's just orbiting naturally. Yet, you think it
is, since it looks similar: The galaxy has stars circling it in space. Someday,
you'll slap your heads in revelation of what you did with this, and you will
change the rules.
Now to
esoteric astronomy: Look what you've done with the idea that you came from the
Pleiadians. There are some scientists laughing right now who smugly say that
the mythology of the Pleiadians being your seed biology is simply not possible.
It's not possible because of astronomical history, and what they now know about
the constellation itself.
Connection - Mythology?
Let's talk
about the Pleiadian system, the Seven Sisters. Let's talk about the truth of
it, and then let's discuss what science says is the mythology of it. We will
tell you what you don't see and don't comprehend, simply because of your
existing knowledge.
You call
this constellation the Seven Sisters [M45]. The physical facts are that there
are hundreds of stars in this Pleiades group. Circling these stars is a nebula
(dust particles and gas). This creates a wonderful blue tinge that you can see
in the heavens on a clear night. With distance and atmospheric attributes
against you, the naked eye can only perceive what appears to be seven stars (or
clusters), hence the name Seven Sisters. However, there are actually nine when
you use a telescope. Each of the nine have been identified with names, but
again, there are actually hundreds of stars.
The Seven
Sisters are approximately 440 light years away. From the viewpoint of astronomy
and distances, that's close - very close! Now, here's what science says is
wrong with your mythology about the Pleiadians: The constellation is way too
young! The whole system of the Pleiades is far too young to have developed
life. It's only approximately 100 million years old - a baby! The galaxy is
four billion years old [according to your science] and your planet is at least
a billion of that. Yet, the Pleiadians are only a tiny fraction of that, only
100 million.
So here is
what science says: The mythology has most of the ancients of this planet
claiming the Pleiadians as their seeds. However, this is impossible due to the
age of the stars. The suppositions and logic are applied this way: What you saw
on earth happens everywhere in the galaxy. That's incorrect, and quite
humorous! Your bias is that life develops only a certain way, based upon the
way it developed here. Not only is that incorrect in general, but the
possibility has never even been broached that perhaps, just perhaps, the
Pleiadian life as you think it exists was actually implanted there! How about
that? Perhaps it didn't evolve from there at all! So to dismiss a possibility
completely due to only the knowledge of what you have here may result in a
totally illogical conclusion. Then there is the question, "How did those
Pleiadians get so advanced so quickly?" [Wink]
These are
just little vignettes of possibility, which I throw to you this evening to give
you things to think about. The Pleiadians who are here are smiling, and they
know you so well. You may be the new kids on the block because life just
developed on your planet, but the Pleiadians had an entirely different scenario
from what you had. To become an ascended planet, they needed certain kinds of
pushes from certain other kinds of planets. They had their own seed biology!
Dear ones, it's important to start thinking out of the box of your knowledge
and open up to possibilities that are not what you've seen here.
Medicine -
Where It's Going
I want to
show you some other areas to consider. There are several categories that we'd
like to talk about, but they're not in a specific order except for the last
one. So let's talk about medicine. What is future medicine going to look like?
The most
elegant predictions of medicine fall short of what's really coming. What you
have today is a high-tech approach to designer chemistry. Now, since the body
is made up of chemistry, it makes sense to look at this chemistry and work with
it. It makes total sense to discover how it reacts to disease and then design
cures with more chemistry. It's absolutely normal what you have done, but it's
going to reach an end very soon. Because the future of medicine is physics,
dear ones, not chemistry.
You're going
to start understanding and developing new medical physics. You will discover
that medi-physics is going to literally speak to cellular structure and give it
instructions, without one chemical involved. There's always a reaction to
chemistry, isn't there? There's always a side effect. When you push one thing,
something else reacts, doesn't it? How do you like it so far? Your most elegant
chemical designs, the ones that are helping with the worst diseases on the
planet, all have side effects - and some of those side effects are death! I say
to you, how do you like it so far?
Does it
really seem elegant to you? Or perhaps it's just a more sophisticated way of
bleeding in the barbershop? Dear ones, that's how you're going to look at it
someday! You're going to slap your heads and say, "Remember the day when
we did everything with chemistry and drugs?"
Right now,
these kinds of changes have already started in several areas. There are
discoveries being made that are healing some of the most heart-breaking diseases
you have. I reveal one, because it's not a secret. I will always give you
information that is either being worked on or has been postulated through free
choice on this planet. That is the guideline of channelling. We can't give it
to you. You've got to develop it yourself. However, we can put you in an energy
that has a faster discovery potential - that is to say, discoveries become more
is heart breaking. There are millions on this planet who develop this
condition, more all the time. You're living longer and a plaque-like material
that literally obfuscates your memory within the brain is becoming more common.
It clings to certain parts of your brain, encrusting and restricting it,
imprisoning the Human's ability to remember and eventually process information
at all. The result is death, slow death. It's caused by your environment, a
fact which will be discovered eventually. Your long-lived Ancients didn't have
It's going
to be cured with physics. Your science is starting to find out that the
plaque-like substance has a resonance that allows it to be weakened with sound.
High-frequency sound, tuned to a certain frequency and amplitude, will cause
the sheaths to weaken, dissolve, and come off. There's a lot of research to do
yet, but it's a Eureka! moment - realizing that physics alone, without
chemistry, can change the structure of biology. This is with no side effects
whatsoever. It's coming, it's coming.
There are
those working with fresh umbilical cord stem cells right now who are using pure
physics to guide the stem cells to a specific destination in the body in order
to repair failing systems. Dear ones, the future of health and healing is not
through better chemistry, yet medicine is still waiting for better pills! Did
you connect the dots and realize that all biology is physics based? There is
magnetics, leverage, the energy of consciousness, electricity and much more
within cellular structure. With physics alone, you can "tune in" to
disease and destroy it! You can fine-tune your system with cooperative
resonances and extend life with benevolent, physical assistance. Sixteen years
ago, I told you this when I spoke of the Temple of Rejuvenation. I described the
super-cooling needed to do it and the temperatures needed to work with it
(-55C). This is physics!
Now, the
false expectation of greater chemistry for the future is totally caused from
the filter of knowledge. What you have and know then gives you your expectation
of what is going to take place. It literally blocks you from seeing some of the
potentials that you may have.
War -
Nobody Sees What is Coming
Let's talk
about war. Let's discuss something that very few are considering. What you
expect next is completely and totally out of perspective of what's actually
coming, because you only have one kind of knowledge about war. Your war has
advanced over history with bigger explosions, higher yields and weapons that
fire faster. Nuclear, laser, sound - all are far more efficient ways to
terminate life. That's how war has evolved. However, there hasn't really been
anything called anti-war devices, have there?
I'm going
to give you an invitation for discovery, and some are already in the
postulation stage of this. Multidimensional fields change 3D reality. Period.
I've told you that lurking in your future are discoveries that will help you
with every aspect of your life, mainly due to the discovery of what makes basic
physics do what it does at the atomic level. If you fully understand
multidimensionality, you can manipulate the formula for mass and create
massless objects. You can even do it with the tools you have right now.
There is
physics possible that can create certain kinds of fields - listen to me -
certain kinds of heretofore unseen multidimensional fields that are harmless to
your biology, but will alter some attributes of 3D. These fields are designer
fields, and they are isolated and specifically designed for one purpose. When
in the field, conventional explosive reactions can't happen. Can you imagine
putting a field within rooms of a building so that no matter what weapon is
fired, whether it's a machine gun or a pistol, it simply won't work! What about
targeting an airplane when it drops a bomb and it won't explode? This is pure
physics. The alteration of 3D reality through multidimensional designer fields,
both small and large, is coming. I know you don't believe it, but just wait. As
you start to discover multidimensional physics and the ability to control it,
you will discover that there is a "benevolent attitude" of this kind
of physics. You can't "weaponize it" as easily as you can 3D. It is
an entirely different kind of reality.
Again, I
tell you that when you understand how mass is created at the atomic level,
you'll learn how to create massless objects. By the way, that has another name.
You call it anti-gravity, but there is no such thing. It's just the ability to
finally control the formula that creates gravity with mass. You understand that
this is simple physics, don't you? And it's very easy to manipulate for
benevolent uses through other fields that you do know about. Just like you have
learned to control certain kinds of physics that are 3D, you can also control
multidimensional physics. Imagine a planet where it doesn't matter what war
device you had, it wouldn't work anymore! What do you think about that? Imagine
physics having the ability to shatter the molecules of a biological weapon. Do
you think that would change world politics? It's happening, it's going to
happen. It's in the laboratory today. You're broaching the discovery of
multidimensional physics. Being able to control that which you don't think is
controllable is what you are doing. It's going to make such a difference to the
Human race!
You don't
believe it, since your knowledge of how things work just doesn't allow for such
a thing. This is your filter.
Normal good
health is turning to simple physics for some of the simplest things. New kinds
of foods are being grown with new physics, not chemistry. These will be
physic-foods [Kryon name] that are not genetically altered or chemically
altered, but benevolently enhanced by physics! This causes a new kind of super
growth that can feed the planet in a way it's never been fed before. It will
create food that is resistant to absolutely everything - insects, bacteria and
disease - all through physics. Who thought of that? What you're expecting in
the future regarding health is based upon the past. The big filter of past
knowledge keeps you from thinking out of the box. You don't know what you don't
Finally, I
want to talk about spirituality. New-ager, I want you to get real with me for a
moment. We're heading for an ascended planet. Everything I have told you for 26
years has been about that. Human Beings are starting to evolve spiritually. DNA
is starting to become more efficient, and many are feeling it. The masters of
the past whose names you recognize are the examples of DNA working at 80 percent.
Each one of them, in all their instructions and teaching, were trying to show
you this. All of them were Human Beings; none were angels. There's a reason for
this, so that the Human can face off with the Human and say, "Look at me,
look what I can do! You can, too, if you get in touch with that which is inside
you, which is the seed of the Creator." When you heed their advice, you
start to evolve and you start to have wisdom and knowledge. It can create peace
on Earth and more.
What is an
ascended planet going to look like, new-ager, metaphysician? You have an idea,
don't you? Based on your knowledge and what you have visualized, what will it
be? Your vision: First will be the end of religion. Everyone will be of
like-mind. Everyone will be floating around; you might even change colors at
will! An ascended planet will be one where you only have consciousness, no need
for the body. This is what you think, and I'm here to tell you that your vision
is incorrect.
It's bigger
than that! Believe me, it's better than that! What kind of free choice would
you have if there were no choices to be had? Do you think ascension is going to
be the homogenization and spiritual reprogramming of everyone? Listen to me:
You don't homogenize a planet through wisdom. What you do through wisdom is get
along. You don't become the same! You will always have free choice on this
planet, but the wiser the planet becomes, the greater the ability to find wise
solutions for everything. The greater the wisdom, the greater the ability to
discover the Creator inside. That's the path that more than 90 percent of
humanity will take. You will always have those who don't agree, but you will
still get along. The paradigm of how you treat each other will totally change,
and Human nature will change.
There will
be wisdom, so there will be no more war. Killing each other is an attribute of
an unevolved race. There will be certain kinds of physics and invention to help
nullify the possibility of war as you grow. There will be new healing
techniques and life spans that will triple and quadruple within the Human race.
Then there will also be the wisdom to control your population as you evolve.
You'll get to a place where you look a whole lot like you look now, but you are
far wiser and you get along.
It will simply get wiser! What that means is it will simply morph into new ways
of thinking about itself and others. There will be new leaders claiming new
kinds of things. There will then become the updated doctrines and shifts in
energy will be more based on spiritual common sense instead of historic
misinformation. Great new leaders will be in touch with the Creator and create
a far better church for their members. They'll understand it's okay to embrace
every kind of different religion. You can stay in your box, have your belief,
and still love someone in another box. Isn't that wisdom? It's different than
you thought, isn't it? There will be recognition that one God is able to be
worshipped by many in many ways and there isn't just "one way".
The Pleiadians
had a planet that became so evolved that they could control much of their
"reality". Physics was controllable by consciousness. This is where
it's going for you as well, and many of your masters actually did this to show
it to you. For the Pleiadians, life force itself could be then restricted to
consciousness without a body, and through entanglement they could
"travel" to another place. That place was Earth and they're still
The physics
of that statement requires that you understand: If you do this, you cannot go
back to the physical and must stay in an ageless consciousness state without a
corporeal-self. It's simple, one-way physics. I know for some of you I am
talking in riddles, and some of you know exactly where I'm going with this. This
could be you, too, but not for a million years. This happens slowly, but it's
happened before. You're on the cusp of discovery of how some of it works, but
it won't work through anything you think you know.
knowledge filter, the biggest restriction you have to real truth, is being
slowly realized and dissolved by Old Souls like you, who are thinking beyond
the box of the way it used to be. You're the ones to make the difference on the
This last
filter of spirituality is really important to you. I want you to take the
attributes of mastery. I want you to stop being seen as a strange Human who
seems to believe in odd things. Instead, think like a master of the planet, a
loving person who people want to be with. Be balanced and compassionate. If
somebody comes to you, feel comfortable enough to hold them, hug them, listen
to what they have to say, cry with them, and laugh with them in joy. This is
what the masters of this planet have done. Masters understand Human nature.
You're an Old Soul, and you've been there and you've done it. There is no
excuse for your not understanding this, because it is your legacy. This is who
you are. I am Kryon, in love with humanity.
And so it
* Human
Filters: Written
** Akashic Filters: Audio
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