Yahoo – AFP,
Rob Lever, 8 Oct 2014
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip inserts a card to validate his electronic ballot
through the web on February 26, 2007 from his office in Tallinn (AFP
Photo/Raigo Pajula)
(AFP) - Online voting has the potential to boost election participation around
the world, but is not yet ready to be widely rolled out due to security risks,
a study released Wednesday said.
research, produced by the Atlantic Council think tank and the online protection
firm McAfee, concluded that "security will need to be vastly
improved" before it becomes feasible to adopt Internet voting on a large
to the study, online voting faces more complex obstacles than electronic
commerce, where a customer can be reimbursed in the case of fraud or theft.
voting poses a much tougher problem" than e-commerce, the report said.
votes are unacceptable... and unlike paper ballots, electronic votes cannot be
'rolled back' or easily recounted."
The report
said hackers could paralyze an online voting system or, even worse, change the
results without being detected.
A major
problem of online voting is that any system must verify the identity of the
voter, and at the same time guarantee anonymity in the process.
experts believe it could be decades before online voting becomes mainstream.
Joseph Hall
of the Center for Democracy and Technology said that many security experts
believe "the timeline will be 30 to 40 years" before the
technological hurdles to online voting are overcome.
One of the
problems is the "uncontrolled platform," in which voting software or
computers can be infected, Hall said at a discussion hosted by the Atlantic
Puiggali of the online voting technology firm Scytl said that while Internet
balloting has not been perfect, "we have to consider the risks of voting
channels that already exist," citing practices such as stuffed ballot
researchers cited a study released earlier this year by University of Michigan
scientists on online voting in Estonia, the first country to hold national
elections on the Internet.
That study,
which is to be published in a scientific journal next month, revealed
vulnerabilities in Estonia's online voting system.
could target the election servers or voters' clients to alter election results
or undermine the legitimacy of the system," the study said.
officials have maintained that the system is secure.
report said that online voting has enormous potential if security can be
the digital generation, unsupervised polling via mobile devices may be the
'killer app' of e-voting," the report said, adding that biometric and
other security features may need to be perfected.
adoption of most new technologies generally takes longer than technology
optimists hope, but it will happen," the report added.
voting's potential benefits in terms of reach, access and participation have
the potential to revolutionize the democratic process around the world."
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“… Government
Let us speak of government. We're not speaking of your government, but of any government - the way it works, how it survives, how it has survived, the way it campaigns, and how it elects leaders. It's going to change.
Years ago, I told you, "When everybody can talk to everybody, there can be no secrets." Up to this point on this planet, government has counted on one thing - that the people can't easily talk to each other on a global scale. They have to get their information through government or official channels. Even mass media isn't always free enough, for it reports that which the government reports. Even a free society tends to bias itself according to the bias of the times. However, when you can have Human Beings talking to each other all at once, all over the planet without government control, it all changes, for there is open revelation of truth.
Democracy itself will change and you're going to see it soon. The hold-outs, the few countries I have mentioned in the past, are doomed unless they recalibrate. They're doomed to be the same as they have been and won't be able to exist as they are now with everyone changing around them.
I mentioned North Korea in the past. Give it time. Right now, the young man is under the control of his father's advisors. But when they're gone, you will see something different, should he survive. Don't judge him yet, for he is being controlled.
In government, if you're entire voting base has the ability to talk to itself without restriction and comes up with opinions by itself without restriction, it behooves a politician to be aware and listen to them. This will change what politicians will do. It will change the way things work in government. Don't be surprised when some day a whole nation can vote all at once in a very unusual way. Gone will be the old systems where you used to count on horseback riders to report in from faraway places. Some of you know what I am talking about. Government will change. The systems around you, both dark and light, will change. You're going to start seeing something else, too, so let's change the subject and turn the page. …
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