Hard to
grasp, but true: Google and other large firms are donating large sums of money
to the climate skeptic scene. How does that square with an otherwise
meticulously managed image as an ecological innovator?
Google logo as seen on a TV behind a smartphone (Imago/Zumapress) |
For many
years, there's been an overwhelming consensus among scientists that human
activity is influencing the climate. But there is a group that vehemently
challenges this - so-called climate skeptics. Among their claims: Global warming is not definitively caused by humans.
Think tanks
play a pivotal role in this scene - they present themselves as scientific
organizations with unbiased experts. In reality, however, many are pursuing a
clear agenda. In the United States, they have an especially large influence on
popular opinion and politics.
behind it all? Energy companies, car manufacturers and the tobacco industry in
particular have a vested interest in portraying climate change as an invention
of eco-hysterics. ExxonMobil, Volkswagen and Monsanto all back of
climate-skeptic think tanks, as do billionaire oil magnates the Koch brothers.
although it may seem hard to believe, Google, Facebook and Microsoft are also
among the ranks of companies investing in climate denial.
protector Google?
Solar-cell roofs and wind energy at Google - all just PR? |
That fossil
fuel, automobile manufacturing and chemical companies may seek to undermine
efforts to protect the climate could be seen as acting out of self-interest -
so, not surprising. But why would ostensibly "green" companies like
Microsoft, Facebook and Google support climate skeptics?
This is the
same Google that touts itself as soon being able to cover its own energy needs using only renewables. And, which states on its website that ecological
sustainability is an important issue for the company, and that more measures
against climate change worldwide are long overdue - yes, that Google.
Who exactly
Google is sponsoring is easy enough to see on its homepage. Google backs not
only the hyper-conservative Cato Institute, but also the Competitive Enterprise
Institute (CEI), which are among the most influential players of the organized
climate skeptic scene. At a CEI fundraising event in 2013, Google was even its
largest single sponsor, according to the "The Washington Post."
internet firm is also a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, the largest
economically orientated lobby group worldwide. It supports mostly Republican
politicians who deny climate change, is firmly against emissions trading, and
recently praised US President Donald Trump's plan to ease climate protection.
A few
companies like Apple have already left the Chamber of Commerce in protest over
its approach to climate change.
Money is
The climate skeptics among them: former Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus visits the Cato Institute |
Dudis of Public Citizen has a simple explanation as to why Google, despite its
carefully-managed reputation as a climate protector, supports the Chamber of
Commerce and climate skeptic think tanks: "As a big firm, you give these
groups money in order to exert influence through them." With Trump as president,
Google through the think tanks now has better access to politicians with
decision-making powers.
the Cato Institute and the CEI address a relatively wide array of issues. So
although Google may perhaps not agree with their views on the climate, it could
align with their positions on tax and state regulations.
contacted, Google's only response was to refer to a statement from one of its
spokespeople: "We work with dozens of lobby groups from across the whole
political spectrum. We can't always agree 100 percent with every organization
on every topic. Regarding ecological sustainability and renewable energy we've
shown that are involved long-term with it."
question remains: how can Google pump so much money into think tanks with ostensibly
opposite views to its on climate protection, and which try with all their might
to undermine it?
these activities suggest that much of Google's committment is just
greenwashing: Public relations to get an environmentally friendly image,"
said Dudis.
In the US
political system, money plays a much larger role than in many European
countries, meaning companies have a huge influence there on politics. Google is
among them - if need be, even at the cost of the environment.
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