Google – AFP, Patrice Novotny (AFP), 22 February
Motor CEO, Carlos Ghosn (R), and Bhutanese Prime Minister, Tshering
Tobgay, unveil the Nissan Leaf electric vehicle in Thimphu, on February 21, 2014
Dibyangshu Sarkar)
Thimphu —
It was the world's last hold-out against television and is regarded by
travellers as a Himalayan Shangri-La.
Bhutan's decision to make itself the poster boy for electric transport is
further proof of its willingness to embrace technology as part of its unique
Gross National Happiness development model, says its prime minister.
In an
interview with AFP after signing a deal with Nissan on Friday to import a fleet
of battery-powered compact cars to the remote Himalayan nation, Tshering Tobgay
said Bhutan was happy to be at the technological vanguard.
This file
photo shows a trafffic warden
directing traffic in the Bhutanese capital
of Thimphu, on October 4, 2010
(AFP/File, Ed Jones)
is not destructive. It's good and can contribute to prosperity for
Bhutan," the prime minister said.
It was not always
thus. The tiny kingdom was famously the last country to ever get television,
finally embracing it in 1999, at a time when less than a quarter of households
had electricity.
But it is
rapidly shedding its reputation as a technophobe -- it now exports electricity
thanks to an ambitious hydropower programme, while smart phones are a common
sight, at least on the streets of the sleepy capital Thimpu.
cellular phones, smartphones, they are ubiquitous, you can't do anything
without them, now they are essential tools," said Tobgay.
phones became a reality 10 years ago. We adopted it very well, almost everybody
has a cellular phone, that's the reality.
today we launched the Nissan Leaf... Our goal is to make the best of all options,"
he added.
Under the
deal with Nissan, dozens of battery-powered Leafs should soon be motoring along
the streets of Thimpu, helping it avoid the kind of pollution pervasive
elsewhere in South Asia.
Tobgay said
Bhutan would never allow its environment to become a victim of economic growth
-- an important principle of Gross National Happiness (GNH).
is important but it should be balanced with other aspects of life including
culture, spirituality, heritage and sustainable development," said the
prime minister.
the development of the last 30-40 years, we placed a lot of emphasis to promote
the environment, clean industries.
are looking to become 100 percent organic, (although) it will take some time.
And we are looking to develop a zero emission goal. This formulates a narrative
of Bhutan, about what Bhutan is about and where Bhutan wants to go."
Tobgay, who
came to power last July after winning Bhutan's second elections, has previously
voiced a degree of scepticism about GNH -- a philosophy originally espoused by
a former king -- as a distraction from tackling the country's problems.
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay (2nd L), watched by Nissan Motor
CEO Carlos
Ghosn (L), plugs in a receptacle to charge the Nissan Leaf electric
vehicle, in
Thimphu, on February 21, 2014 (AFP, Dibyangshu Sarkar)
But in his
interview, the prime minister said addressing issues such as corruption,
unemployment and the environment would allow Bhutan to practice what it
- Guiding
philosophy -
should guide us, this philosophy should not be compromised," he said.
my stance has been that rather than talking about the GNH and debate the
philosophy, we have to operationalise it."
With a
population of just 750,000, Bhutan is in many ways a study in contrasts with
its giant neighbours India and China, with their billion-plus populations and
Despite its
stunning scenery, few tourists can afford to pay the $250 daily rate to visit
the "Land of the Thunder Dragon".
But its
abundant waterfalls and crystal-clear rivers have allowed Bhutan to become a
significant player in the hydropower sector.
Bhutan now
operates four hydroelectric plants which between them have almost 1,500
megawatt capacity -- at peak output roughly equivalent to a large nuclear power
station -- and the surplus is sold onto India.
Tobgay said
Bhutan would struggle to meet its capacity target of 10,000 megawatts by 2020
through the building of 10 new plants.
But he said
there should be no doubting Bhutan's commitment to a zero emission target which
would involve other renewable energies.
are looking also at solar panels, windmills, bio gas," he said.
important point is to make progress towards achieving our goal which is to
harvest renewable energy and to use that renewable energy to power our own
country and to power the energy needs of our neighbours with clean
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“… Tesla the Man
There was a point in time when humanity almost stumbled, by the way. You were having a hard time with electricity. So a man came along who was way ahead of his time and was available and his name was Nikola Tesla. He gave you a principle that today you call alternating current. Dear ones, I challenge you to understand this principle. Most of you can't, because it is not in 3D. The attributes are still considered "genius-level thinking" to this day. The whole idea of the kind of electricity you use today comes from this man's quantum mind.
That was all he was allowed to do. Tesla himself was a kind of time capsule, delivered at the right time. He had more, but alternating current was all that was allowed to be given to the planet at that time. Oh, he tried to give you more. He knew there were other things, but nothing was able to be developed. If I told you what else he had discovered, you might not be aware of it at all, since it was never allowed to get out of the box. Earth was not ready for it.
Tesla discovered massless objects. He could alter the mass of atomic structure using designer magnetics, but he never could control it. He had objects fly off his workbench and hit the ceiling, but he couldn't duplicate or control it. It just wasn't time yet. Do you know what else he was known for? It was seemingly the failure of the transmission of electricity. However, he didn't fail at all.
There are pictures of his tower, but every time a Human Being sees a tower, there is a biased assumption that something is going to be broadcast through the air. But in the case of Tesla, he had figured out how to broadcast electricity through the ground. You need towers for that because they have to pick up the magnetics within the ground in a certain way to broadcast them and then collect them again from the nodes of the planet's magnetic grid system. We talked about this before. He was utilizing the grid of the planet that is in the earth itself! He was on the edge of showing that you could use the whole grid of the planet magnetically to broadcast electricity and pick it up where you need it, safely, with no wires. But the earth was not ready for it.
Tesla died a broken man, filled with ideas that would have brought peace to planet Earth, but he was simply not allowed to give any of them to you.
Now I'll tell you why he was stopped, dear ones, and it's the first time we have ever told you – because these inventions were too easy to weaponize. Humanity just isn't ready for it. You're not ready for massless objects, either, for the principles are too easy to weaponize.
"So," you might say, "when will we be ready for it?" I think you already know the answer, don't you? At the time when Human consciousness reaches a point where that which is most important is unification and not separation, it will happen. A point where conquering and power are not desirable ideas or assets. A point where humanity will measure the strength of its population by how healthy they are and not by economic growth. A point where coming together with your neighbor is the main objective to social consciousness, and not conquering them or eliminating them. That's coming, dear ones. It's a ways away, but it's coming. Look around the planet at the moment. The old energy leaders are obvious, are they not? It's like they are relics in a world of thinking that is passing them by. ….”
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